Barb Caffrey's Blog

Writing the Elfyverse . . . and beyond

Just Reviewed Mosher’s “The Great Northern Express” at SBR

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Finally, a great book!

That’s what I thought when I read Howard Frank Mosher’s memoir, THE GREAT NORTHERN EXPRESS.  Mosher’s memoir is about his cross-country trip promoting his writing after receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis, but it’s really about so much more — it’s about what makes up an interesting life.  What makes up the writer’s life in particular.  And Mosher doesn’t stop there; he discusses why he went to Vermont, of all places, how he ended up falling in love with the place, and then about how he found his authentic “writer’s voice” — which, of course, led him to write a number of books where Vermont features prominently as a setting, including WAITING FOR TEDDY WILLIAMS, another book I reviewed at Shiny Book Review a while back as “a baseball romance with heart.”

Whether you’re a writer or not, you owe it to yourself to read Mosher’s excellent THE GREAT NORTHERN EXPRESS.  It’s funny, touching, humane, and literate — exactly what you’d want a memoir to be, especially when it comes from one of America’s best living writers.

So what’s stopping you?  Go read my review, which is here:

Then, go grab Mosher’s book, read it, and wait for this year’s top ten list at SBR — if I have anything to say about it, THE GREAT NORTHERN EXPRESS will be on it.

Written by Barb Caffrey

June 1, 2012 at 11:16 pm

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