Barb Caffrey's Blog

Writing the Elfyverse . . . and beyond

Father’s Day Blues

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Folks, this will be the first Father’s Day without my father. I am not looking forward to this whatsoever.

Granted, I’m fortunate that my father lived as long as he did. There were things he didn’t get to see, that he wanted to see again, such as watching the Milwaukee Brewers make it back to the World Series (they’ve only been there once), and eventually winning a WS. I know he wanted to see at least one of my books succeed and thrive, too…

The thing is, he did get to see a lot of excellent things. He got to see both of the Milwaukee Bucks championships on TV. (He liked watching better on TV. When he went to the arena, he didn’t enjoy it as much.) He got to see Brett Favre and the Packers win a Super Bowl, then a few years later Aaron Rodgers and the Packers win another Super Bowl. He got to see a lot of good college basketball, a lot of good WNBA basketball (Dad loved the WNBA; he thought they played better as a team than most NBA clubs), and he enjoyed watching Brewers games on Sundays (when Telemundo has a free broadcast providing it’s a home game) while listening every other day on the Brewers Radio Network.

He also got to see me at my best, worst, and everything in between. (I would dare to say that my sibs probably feel the same way.) Just as I saw him (and so did my sibs) in the same ways.

I also know that as long as I live, some of him remains in this world. (Same for my sibs.)

It’s not the same, though. And as it’s the first Father’s Day observance without him, I definitely am feeling the worse for wear.

Those of you whose fathers are alive, please hug them and make much of them. Life is so damned short. You don’t know how much time you two may have left to be together, so don’t waste whatever is left.

Also, play a game of cribbage, smear, or, I suppose, Scrabble in my father’s honor. (Those were his three favorite games.) If your father likes ’em, too, give yourself double bonus points.

Written by Barb Caffrey

June 15, 2024 at 11:37 pm

4 Responses

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  1. Certain things will be difficult. May his dreams of your success become true, so he can live on further with your writing.


    June 16, 2024 at 10:14 am

  2. Barb, This is the first Father’s Day without my Dad too. He passed away on July 8, 2023, and I was unable to go to the funeral, at the time, due to my recent back surgery. I worry about my mom right now, as she will be facing the anniversary of his death alone. I am sure though, that my siblings will be there for her, unlike me, who can’t right now. I’ll call to check on her and we’ll talk about things. But there is good news on the horizon. My nephew, Addam, and his wife Zoe, are expecting their first child, and I think my niece Kimberly is expecting her second child. So there is death, and with it comes rebirth. So I can rest contently here in Colorado, knowing my family is growing, despite the losses.


    June 23, 2024 at 11:06 am

    • I am so sorry about your father. I knew it was coming up soon, the first anniversary of his passing…and yes, the first Father’s Day without your father is hard. I hope your mother will hang in there.

      I do think you are being there for her, though. You call often. You do what you can to make her feel better. You haven’t forgotten how much she hurts, and you haven’t forgotten how much you hurt either. That you can’t be there physically isn’t the same thing as not being there at all, IMHO…but I know how it feels to want to go somewhere and can’t due to health-related concerns.

      I’m glad there is good news coming out of your family, too.

      Take care of yourself, OK? And thanks for stopping by. 🙂

      Barb Caffrey

      June 24, 2024 at 12:26 am

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